Test the Web Forward content kit
Test the Web Forward is W3C's one stop shop for Open Web Platform testing. In this content kit we will help you teach developers what they need to know to get involved.
Please file any issues you find against this content kit's github repo.
Versioning information
Content kit v0.0-alpha.1: July 2015 (in active development). This content kit is published under the Mozilla Public License, version 2.0.
What should the presenter have?
What should the audience have?
- A Linux, Windows or Mac OSX computer would be benefical to follow along with the examples, if the audience is going to be coding along with the presenter (this is optional).
- A decent text editor installed. Examples include Sublime Text, gedit, or Notepad++.
- Internet access to share the codepen demos and work on them interactively.
It is helpful if the audience has some experience with browser interoperability. See poll in resources.
Learning objectives
After you present or teach this content kit, your audience will be able to:
- review the existing tests
- raise an issue for inconsistent behaviour in browsers
- write a new test demonstrating bugs
- porting existing tests to Test the Web Forward.
Links to resources
Project resources/overview
Supporting docs/references
Case studies (read stories from other developers)
Presentation setup
Demo setup
Troubleshooting: TBA
Active learning
Frequently asked questions (FAQs)